Symptoms Of Low AMH

Symptoms Of Low AMH


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AMH (anti-Mullerian hormone) is produced by the ovaries. By analysing the AMH levels, we can predict the number of eggs in the women’s ovaries. This helps in understanding a woman’s fertility potential. 

If there is a lower level of AMH then it denotes that there are only a few eggs that are present for fertilisation. Women of age between 30 to 40 are affected by low AMH levels due to their age. However, they can also be seen in younger women.

This blog helps you to understand the symptoms of AMH levels. 

Symptoms of Low AMH

Generally, low AMH levels can be detected if you have any of these conditions. The symptoms are listed below:

Irregular Periods

Changes in the menstrual cycle are the foremost symptom of low AMH. The changes can include experiencing shorter periods, longer gaps, or skipping periods in a month.

Light or heavy Bleeding

If the period is regular but has only mild bleeding or the flow is heavy, then it can indicate low AMH levels.

Unknown Tiredness

If you feel fatigued frequently without any underlying reason, it probably indicates low AMH levels and hormonal imbalance.

Mood Swings

If you have mood swings and are emotionally unstable, it indicates hormonal changes in your body.

Night Sweats and Hot Flashes

Women who are younger or in their 40s experiencing this condition indicate low AMH. It is often mistaken for menopause symptoms. It is better to get checked than to rely on assumptions.

Difficulty Getting Pregnant

Low AMH means that there are only a few eggs left for fertilisation. It can cause difficulty getting pregnant. 


If the AMH levels are low, there can be chances of miscarriages due to poor egg quality

Early Menopause

People with low AMH reach menopause at an earlier age than others. This can hinder plans.

Ovarian Dysfunction

The underline is that since the egg counts are low the ovaries don’t function according to their natural blueprint. This can cause fertility issues.

Low Levels of Libido

A decrease in sexual desire can lead to a decrease in the AMH hormone which is also related to hormonal imbalance.

Low AMH Effect on Fertility

The AMH is a protein that is synthesised in the ovaries. Having a standard AMH level between 1.0 and 4.0 ng/mL indicates a healthy ovary and egg. If the AMH level is low between 0.5 and 1.0 ng/mL, it denotes that the ovaries are weak and there are only a small quantity of eggs in the ovary. 

Low levels of AMH are linked with decreased pregnancy. Since the eggs are of poor quality and low in quantity their fertilisation rates decrease. This could lead to a decrease in success rates, premature birth, or difficulty in conceiving in the first place. 

Causes for Low AMH

There are certain reasons for the low level of AMH in the body, and these include:


Stress is a major villain in a woman’s story. Increased stress levels lead to hormonal imbalance and irregular periods and also affect pregnancy. Maintain stress by indulging in meditation or yoga to destress yourself.


Age is a crucial factor in women’s health. Once women reach above 30 years of age the quality and the number of egg counts reduces which hinders their pregnancy. If you are not ready then you can freeze the egg and at the right time with the help of an IVF clinic plan the pregnancy. 

Deficiency of Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency can lead to low levels of AMH. Hence, correcting the levels of Vitamin D can boost the quality of eggs. 

Change in Food Intake

There is a saying, “Obesity is the mother of all diseases.” Not maintaining a healthy weight has an impact on women’s bodies. Hence, it is important to eat a healthy meal that is paired with mild to moderate exercise helps to maintain the AMH levels. 

Medical History

When younger women in their 20s or 30s complain about irregular periods or difficulty in getting pregnant, it is rare. However, this can be due to certain factors such as poor food choices, a family history of cancer treatments, or early menopause.

Birth Control Pills

Birth control pills do not reduce AMH levels permanently. However, they do have a temporary effect on the body. It is important to consult your gynaecologist before taking oral birth control pills. 

Treatment for Low AMH

Once the levels of AMH are lowered and the ovary starts to age there is no possibility of revising this condition. However, the process can be slowed down. You can follow the below practices to improve your egg quality and quantity, including ways to increase AMH levels.

  • Cardio exercise or yoga
  • Follow a Mediterranean diet
  • Acupuncture therapy
  • Eat a nutritious diet that is low in saturated fats
  • To increase more follicles, include DHEA in your diet. 


In summary, AMH is a hormone in the woman’s body that determines the egg’s quality and the ovaries’ function. Low levels of AMH cause infertility and complications in getting pregnant. However, the process can be slowed down by performing little exercise, eating a healthy meal, and taking supplements.


Yes, if you have low AMH levels and the cycles are regular then you do ovulate. If the ovulation process takes place then there are higher chances for pregnancy.

One of the simplest ways to identify low AMH levels is to take a close look at your periods. If you experience short periods, heavy bleeding, or fatigue then there is a high chance that the AMH levels are lower. 

IVF is the best option that uses limited eggs to optimise the condition and helps women with low AMH to get pregnant. 

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