Fertility Treatment For Second Child

Fertility Treatment For Second Child


Are you failing to get pregnant?

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It is common for couples to wish to have more than one baby. Having two babies if kind of like the standard you can see most couples choosing. 

However, some couples face fertility issues while trying for their second baby (even in cases where their first baby was born without any health or fertility issues).

This condition is called secondary fertility, and many women have been found to have this issue. So, what can be done to overcome this issue and have your second bundle of joy? Let’s see in this article.

The Importance Of Assessing Fertility Before The Second Child

You might think that just because your first baby was born without any issues, having your second will also be as easy. But that is not the case. 

Your body will become different after pregnancy and childbirth. You will also be physically and emotionally different after having that second-birth-like experience. So, it is always best to assess your fertility and health condition before trying for a second child. 

Here are some important factors that explain why assessing your fertility is essential before trying for a second child.

To assess if your fertility has declined with age

Of course, you will give a minimum of one or two years gap between your first and second baby. Some will even decide on a second baby after 6 or 7 years of having their first baby. 

In that case, your fertility will be significantly affected due to aging, and your egg quality and your partner’s sperm quality will not be as high as it was during your first baby. Assessing your fertility can help you make informed decisions.

To identify changes in your reproductive health

Pregnancy and childbirth can alter your reproductive health to some degree. In some cases, you might have conditions like endometriosis, fibroids, etc., after the birth of a child. Assessing your fertility can help you identify and treat these issues before trying to conceive. 

To identify male infertility issues

Your partner might also have some male infertility issues like low sperm count, low motility, and low morphology. You can find these issues in a fertility assessment and consider the next steps.

To identify structural abnormalities in the uterus

Pregnancy and childbirth can affect the uterus and cause some structural defects, making pregnancy difficult the next time. A fertility assessment can help you identify whether your uterus is ready to carry another baby.

To give you confidence and a peace of mind

Trying for a second baby without knowing your fertility condition is like roaming around blindfolded. You will never know whether you can actually get pregnant. 

However, taking a pregnancy assessment can help you understand your condition better and give you peace of mind while trying for your second baby. 

Success Rates Of IVF For Conceiving A Second Child

A fertility assessment will let you know clearly whether you can try for a natural pregnancy or should undergo fertility treatments to get pregnant. If you have fertility issues that can be addressed only through fertility treatments, IVF can be a good option to achieve a higher success rate. 

The exact success rate of your IVF treatments is hard to calculate, as this is your second pregnancy, and its success depends on various factors like age, fertility, reproductive health, etc. 

However, with IVF treatment, you and your partner have a more controlled environment to get the best quality embryo, higher uterine receptivity, and balanced hormone levels to ensure a successful pregnancy.

You can choose and discuss with your fertility doctor in detail about IVF treatment. Based on your condition, you can also go for other fertility treatment options like IUIICSI, IMSI, etc.


Having a second child is not as difficult as you think. Even if you have a serious infertility issue

that hinders you from getting pregnant the second time, visit a renowned fertility hospital and get a fertility assessment. 

The expert fertility specialists and nurses in the hospital will stay with you and guide you along the journey of your second pregnancy. 


Yes, you can have IVF for your second pregnancy. If you have fertility issues that can be addressed only through fertility treatments, IVF can be a good option to achieve a higher success rate. 

However, with IVF, you and your partner have a more controlled environment to get the best quality embryo, higher uterine receptivity, and balanced hormone levels to ensure a successful pregnancy.

There isn’t a single best age to have a second pregnancy. It depends on your age, when you had your first child, and the number of years you wish to have between your first and second child.

Here are some tips that can help you get pregnant the second time. 

  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Follow a balanced diet with healthy fruits and vegetables
  • Track your ovulation cycle to determine your fertile window
  • Consult a fertility doctor
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