can we eat papaya during periods

Can We Eat Papaya During Periods


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“To eat or not to eat?” During childhood, you were free to eat any fruit you wanted at any time. However, once you reach puberty, you will have certain restrictions on when you can and cannot eat some fruits. 

One fruit among them is the papaya. Papayas are delicious fruits that most people love to eat, but most people have mixed feelings about eating them during a woman’s menstrual cycle. 

So, in this article, we will break down the facts and understand whether eating papayas during your periods is okay. 

Can I eat papaya during periods?


Yes, you can absolutely eat papayas during your menstruation. Papayas are actually one of the most common fruits recommended during menstruation.

Papayas are rich in essential nutrients like vitamins A, C, E, and fiber, which help maintain overall health during periods. They also contain an enzyme called papain (especially raw papayas), which helps reduce inflammation and can help manage menstrual cramps.

They are also responsible for causing uterine contractions. This can stimulate the expulsion of uterine tissues and cause periods. Taking it during your period can also quicken the expulsion of tissues and shorten the number of days you bleed.

A cup of raw papaya or a glass of papaya juice a day before or during your period can help you reap all its benefits and have a normal menstrual cycle.

Papaya benefits for periods

As we have already discussed, raw papayas have several benefits on periods and your menstrual cycle. Below are some of those common benefits.

1. Unripe papaya for periods that regulate the menstrual cycle

Raw papayas are especially helpful for women with irregular menstrual cycles. Have you ever eaten papayas to induce periods? If so, you would have noticed you got your period within a few days after eating them. 

This is also the work of the enzyme papain, which can stimulate uterine contractions and bring forth your menstruation. Papain has been found to have the same effect as oxytocin and prostaglandins, which are responsible for causing uterine contractions during labor. 

Papain is high in unripe papayas, and the levels decrease as the fruit ripens. So, if you wish to eat papaya to help with your menstrual cycle, ensure you eat it raw. 

Note: Too much raw papaya can cause other complications. So, limit its intake and include the amount we discussed above. Also, definitely don’t eat papayas, especially raw ones, during pregnancy. 

2. Helpful Antioxidants

Papayas are rich in antioxidants like vitamins A, C, and E. These antioxidants reduce oxidative stress by fighting free radicals in the body. They also help manage period cramps by reducing inflammation and promote overall health by boosting your immune system during your periods.

3. Papaya Seeds Have A Contraceptive Effect

Papayas have been believed to have a contraceptive effect on male and female fertility. Consuming papaya seeds can sometimes induce periods.

However, excess papaya seeds are said to reduce sperm count and quality in men and affect embryo implantation in women.

This theory has not been proven yet and researchers need more evidence to prove the effect of papaya seeds on fertility. However, it is best to limit intake of papaya seeds just to be safe.

4. Contains Helpful Vitamins And Minerals

Papayas are high in essential nutrients like vitamins, fiber, and minerals. They are also high in protein, zinc, magnesium, folic acid, potassium, and calcium.

All these nutrients can give you the necessary energy you need during your menstrual cycle.

How To Eat Raw Papaya For Periods?

Eating raw papayas plain can be boring. Here are some interesting recipes you can easily make to have raw papaya and enjoy all its benefits.

Raw papaya juice for periods


This is an easy yet yummy recipe to make. Cut your raw papaya into small pieces and blend thim in a mixer. Add sugar or honey and a little bit of water. Strain the juice if you want and enjoy. Drink it in the morning for maximum benefits.

Raw papaya shake


What’s more interesting than a glass of delicious milk shake. Blend a cup of raw papaya, milk, banana, and sugar or honey in a mixer. You can have them with chia seeds or any toppings you want.

Raw papaya salad


Mix fruits together and enjoy all the benefits they have simultaneously. You can also have a raw papaya salad by having them with other fruits and vegetables. This is a healthier choice and also helps you gain the nutrients of other fruits in the mean time.

Why Choose Us For Your Period Problems

Are you having issues with your menstrual cycle? Then it is important for you to consult an expert gynecologist who can examine your condition and provide the best treatment.

For that, you need to choose the best fertility hospital in Chennai. At The Hive Fertility Centre, we have some of the best gynecologists who have a vast experience in the field and will give you a comprehensive treatment for your condition.


Papayas have been known since ancient times to promote menstrual cycles and periods. You can also have them during periods and enjoy their amazing benefits.

If you have doubts or concerns regarding what you can or cannot eat during your menstrual cycle, consult an expert gynecologist and clear your doubts.


Unrips papayas have the enzyme papain, which are also responsible for causing uterine contractions. This can stimulate the expulsion of uterine tissues and cause periods. Taking it during your period can also quicken the expulsion of tissues and shorten the number of days you bleed.

A cup of raw papaya or a glass of papaya juice a day before or during your period can help you get periods and have a normal menstrual cycle.

Yes, you can eat green papayas. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, calcium, etc. However, raw papayas also contain the enzyme papain, which can damage the esophagus if consumed in excess. So, limit your consumption of green papayas.

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