What is the age limit for IVF

What Is The Age Limit For IVF?


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If you have any infertility issues, it is normal for you to wish to undergo IVF treatments to conceive a baby and get pregnant. However, it is not that easy.

There are certain limits and restrictions that should be followed when undergoing IVF treatments. The main limit being the age of the individuals who are eligible to undergo IVF treatments.

These limits and restrictions were regulated by the Indian Government for the safety and health of the individuals undergoing the treatment. In this article, we’ll look into the age limit for IVF treatments and some factors that might affect this limit.

What Is The Age Limit For IVF?

In 2021, the Government of India formulated the Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Act (ART Act) to establish certain rules and regulations for undergoing and performing assisted reproductive procedures. This includes IVF. 

The age limit for men and women wishing to undergo IVF Treatment is as follows:

  • Women: 21 to 50 years old
  • Men: 26 to 55 years old

Maximum Age For Using Own Eggs

There is no definite maximum age to use your own eggs to undergo IVF. As long as the quality of your eggs is good and the chances of pregnancy with your own eggs are high, you can undergo IVF with your own eggs.

However, to ensure a higher chance of success, doctors usually recommend women use donor eggs if they are over 45 years of age.

Maximum Age For Using Donor Eggs

There is no exact maximum age to undergo IVF. As long as you are eligible to undergo IVF, you can use a donor egg to achieve pregnancy. In cases where you have low-quality eggs, using donor eggs can improve your IVF success rates.

Factors Influencing Age Limits

Health And Medical Considerations

IVF is a complex process. Women undergoing IVF in their later ages (close to or after menopause) might not be able to undergo the five stages of IVF smoothly and are at a high risk of pregnancy complications like C-sections, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, premature delivery, etc.

Clinic Policies

Apart from the age limits set by the ART Act, clinics can also set limits to the age group they will provide IVF treatments. This is mostly done to avoid medical risks and certain ethical concerns regarding hospital policies.

Decreased egg and sperm quality

Decrease in Quantity and Quality:
As women age, not only do they have fewer eggs, but the quality of those eggs also declines. This decline typically accelerates after the mid-30s.

Chromosomal Abnormalities:
Older eggs have a higher risk of developing chromosomal abnormalities, which can lead to issues like miscarriage or genetic disorders in offspring.

Reduced Fertility: By the age of 40, a woman’s fertility is significantly lower compared to her early 20s, primarily due to diminished egg quality.

Success Rates By Age

As you can see, age is an important factor that determines your success rate in having healthy IVF babies. Here is the average success rate you can get in IVF treatment for each age group.

Age group Success rate in 1st cycle Success rate in 2nd cycle Success rate in 3rd cycle

Remember, this success rate is just an estimation. Your success rate will vary depending on individual health conditions, fertility, quality of treatment, age and other issues. In these factors the only controllables are Health conditions & Quality of tretament.

By Following the quality diet plan you can maintain your health condition and, to get the quality treatment spend some time on doing research on the success rate of the IVF , Watching patient reviews and testimonials,  you can choose the best fertility hospital in your area.


Beyond just considering your age limit for IVF, there are other factors like pregnancy complications and other health issues that concern doctors whether to give you IVF.

It is best to consult an expert fertility doctor if you wish to undergo IVF treatment. They will assess your condition and determine if IVF will be the best treatment option for you.


The age limit for women to undergo IVF treatment is 21–50 years. This age limit was derived based on the following factors. 

  • Health & medical conditions
  • Clinic policies
  • Decreased egg & sperm quality

In 2021, the Government of India formulated the Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Act (ART Act) to establish certain rules and regulations for undergoing and performing assisted reproductive procedures. The age limit for men and women wishing to undergo the treatment is as follows:

  • Women: 21 to 50 years old
  • Men: 26 to 55 years old

Generally, women over 45 will have poor egg quality and are more susceptible to pregnancy complications than younger women. You can undergo IVF even if you are over 45 if you don’t have any medical complications. However, the success rate will be comparatively lower than that of younger women. 

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