IVF success rate in India

IVF success rate in India


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A boon has been provided to infertile couples who dream of starting a family through in-vitro fertilization. The IVF process involves combining the egg from a female body with her partner’s sperm outside the female body. An IVF procedure has different outcomes depending on the couple and the clinic.

Several factors determine the success rate of IVF:

      • Female partner’s age

      • Infertility duration

      • Infertility type (primary or secondary)

      • Infertility causes

      • Sperm, egg, and embryo quality

      • Development of the endometrium

      • Post-transfer luteal phase

    In India, the IVF success rate ranges from 30% to 35% based on the factors mentioned above. Globally, young women experience an average success rate of 40% with IVF. Women younger than 35 also have a higher chance of success. The number of live births per embryo transfer usually determines the success rate of this most commonly used assisted reproductive technology. The live birth rate refers to the number of births per embryo transfer.

    Nowadays, most clinics use the “freeze all” method, which involves freezing the eggs and the embryos generated by ICSI or conventional IVF. IVF success rates in India have increased significantly with new reproductive techniques. One such method, endometrial receptivity analysis (ERA), is helpful for recurrent implantation failure in women.

    It is highly recommended to perform a Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) for women of advanced maternal age since most failures occur due to chromosomal abnormalities in embryos.

    Conventional IVF treatments may not be effective in some couples. It is possible to find hope in Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), an additional type of IVF. The procedure involves injecting a single sperm directly into an egg with a fine glass needle in a lab.

    IVF treatment poses many challenges; one must undergo these procedures and screenings to ensure a greater chance of success.

    Does the success rate of IVF depend on the age of the woman?

    Infertility treatment with IVF is prevalent for couples who cannot conceive independently. Most couples report high success rates with the treatment, but this is not the case for all teams. Calculating IVF success rates is influenced by many factors.

    Age factors

    A woman’s age is one of the most critical factors affecting IVF success. Younger women usually have a higher chance of success than older women. Growing older decreases both the quality and number of eggs available. Women under 35 have a 40% success rate, while women over 42 have a mere 4% success rate.

    Types of fertility problems

    The success rate of IVF is primarily determined by ovulation. The success rate of IVF can be reduced by issues such as high FSH levels, uterine abnormalities, tumors in the reproductive system, or ovarian dysfunction. Women who need a high dose of ovarian stimulation drugs may also have a lower success rate. The length of time both partners have been infertile may also affect IVF success rates if both are infertile.


    A successful IVF cycle can also be affected by one’s lifestyle. Smoking habits can adversely affect fertility. Smoking should be stopped three months before starting an IVF cycle. Being overweight may also affect success rates. Women who are overweight or obese have a greater risk of miscarriage. Being underweight can also increase the risk of pregnancy-related complications and affect IVF success rates.
    Lastly, the center where you choose to undergo IVF treatment also impacts your chances of conceiving successfully.

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