does female masturabation cause infertility

Does Female Masturbation Cause Infertility?


Are you failing to get pregnant?

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You might have heard different stories about female masturbation and whether it can lead to infertility or make it tough to have babies. Let’s break this subject into simple terms so that you can know what is right and stay confident about your body.

What is masturbation?

Masturbation involves an individual touching his/her own reproductive organs for pleasure. In girls/women, this would involve fondling either the clitoris or other genitalia regions. Such actions prompt the body to release hormones that trigger feelings of happiness and usher in calmness.

Some of these hormones include:

  • Dopamine: A substance that makes you feel nice and happy.
  • Endorphins: These are natural painkillers that help relax the body.
  • Oxytocin: Also known as the love hormone, it makes people feel warm inside and bonded together.
  • Testosterone: It boosts your desire to have more pleasure
  • Prolactin: It makes you feel relaxed and satisfied after an orgasm.

These hormones stay within the body temporarily, so no lasting changes happen. They provide temporary high so after some time they disappear leaving behind a normal person. There is no reason why one should think that such substances affect one’s life; hence, there are no worries over possible infertility issues associated with such things.

What are the Reasons for Masturbation?

Many individuals engage in masturbation often. It helps to ease tension, make one feel good, and regain quality sleep. Some individuals do it to understand their own bodies better. Knowing what gives pleasure adds self-assurance and ease.

Masturbation is a way of understanding one’s body. It’s only human to want to know about one’s own body, and masturbation provides a safe method for doing this.

Does Masturbating Make You Infertile?

This brings us to question number two: Is it hard to conceive due to excessive masturbation? Here is what conception includes.

Every month, one egg is discharged from a woman’s ovaries. This egg goes through the fallopian tube, waiting for sperms to fertilize it. If the sperm fertilizes the egg, she becomes pregnant. However, if it doesn’t, menstruation happens.

Masturbation does not have any effect on a woman’s ovulation or fertilization. Pregnancy is definitely possible even if you have the habit of masturbating.

Myths About Female Masturbation and Infertility

Many false beliefs exist about masturbation and its link to infertility. We’ll examine some of these misconceptions and uncover the facts.

Myth 1: Masturbation reduces the number of eggs a woman has.

Fact: Women have all their eggs from birth. Masturbation doesn’t change the egg count. Eggs become fewer as women age, not because of any actions they take or avoid.

Myth 2: Masturbation makes the uterus weak.

Fact: A woman’s uterus might contract a bit during orgasm, but this is normal. These contractions don’t weaken the uterus or affect fertility. , orgasms can help to reduce stress and boost mood.

Myth 3: Masturbation changes your period.

Fact: When or how you get your period has nothing to do with masturbation. It is, however useful in relieving menstrual aches. This is so because orgasm brings forth the release of endorphins in the body, which are natural painkillers that can relieve cramps and make one feel better during their periods.

What Happens During Pregnancy?

There is no harm in pregnant women pleasing themselves during pregnancy. According to them, it relieves tension and improves mood. However, certain medical situations may require doctors to advise against it. 

This involves women prone to early childbirth or placenta disorders. If pregnant women have any doubts about this, they should consult their doctors beforehand to be on the safe side.

Women experience many changes in their bodies during pregnancy, which affect how they feel. For instance, some might find themselves more sexually aroused or desire to masturbate, while others have no such feelings at all anymore. The two reactions are normal, and all you have to do is follow your instincts no matter what feels right for you.

Does Masturbation Cause Sexual Problems?

Most people tend to think that masturbation could result in sexual complications later in life. But then again, masturbation helps ladies know everything about themselves as far as pleasure is concerned.

Therefore, when they come together with guys later on, they will be able to improve their sexual encounters even better than before! Thus, masturbation is not harmful. For instance, a woman may feel better about her body through doing it; certainly, understanding yourself makes your sexual activities with your man more enjoyable, too!

Is Masturbation a Healthy Activity?

Masturbation is a healthy practice many people enjoy. It offers several benefits, such as:

Relieving Stress: Endorphins are released during masturbation, thereby helping in relieving stress.
Enhanced Sleep: After orgasm, one tends to feel relaxed, resulting in improved sleep.
Better Mood: Chemicals released during masturbation can cause an elevation in mood as well as induce relaxation.

However, remember that each individual is different. There are those who frequently engage in this act, while there are others who do not engage in it at all. Both scenarios are normal. Above everything else, be comfortable with who you are and what you choose to do.

What Causes Infertility In Women?

There are numerous reasons for infertility or inability to conceive, but masturbation is not one of them. Here are some reasons that can hinder conception easily.

  • Problems related to ovulation (PCOS): It is difficult for women who do not release eggs to get pregnant.
  • Blocked fallopian tubes: These link ovaries and the uterus, and if they are blocked, the egg and sperm cannot meet.
  • Problems with female reproduction organs: This includes issues like fibroids, adhesions, et.
  • Hormonal imbalances: To conceive, one requires an appropriate mix of reproductive hormones. A change in the levels may make conceiving difficult.
  • Age: A woman’s ability to have children becomes low with Age increases
  • Lifestyle choices: Being overweight, using tobacco or eating unhealthy foods can also make it difficult to conceive.


Masturbation is considered by many women to be a completely normal, healthy activity. It has not been shown to cause infertility, nor have it ever been harmful to the body in all aspects. The idea that masturbation prevents pregnancy is simply false.

Should you have any doubts or worries, consult with a mature adult or health care expert who will give you straight facts on the matter together with ways of easing your mind down.

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