IVF can make you both excited and anxious. You will be excited to have a positive result and have your own baby. At the same time, you will feel anxious about whether the procedure will be a success or failure.
It is normal for you to expect a positive result in your IVF cycle. But, it is not a reality, as only around 20% of couples succeed in their first IVF cycle.
It is important for you to know what symptoms you will experience during IVF failure. That is why we have shortlisted some of the most common symptoms of IVF failure.
Use this as a guide and understand whether your IVF cycle was a failure.
IVF Failure Symptoms: What are They
Similar to how you experience certain symptoms to indicate a positive pregnancy, there are also some symptoms you will experience during a negative pregnancy.
Below are some of those symptoms.
Vaginal Bleeding And Stomach Pain
Whether your IVF was a success or failure, you will get a little amount of vaginal bleeding a few days after embryo transfer.
In a successful IVF, this vaginal bleeding is called implantation bleeding. It happens when the embryo implants into the uterine lining. This bleeding is usually brownish or blackish in color and will disappear after a few days.
In an IVF failure, however, your vaginal bleeding is usually an onset of menstrual bleeding. This bleeding will be bright and reddish in color, like your usual period blood.
It will also be accompanied by usual period symptoms like stomach pain, nausea, headache, lower back pain, etc.
Negative Pregnancy Test Result
Getting a negative pregnancy test result after an IVF transfer is one of the most obvious ways to determine IVF failure. However, you need to be mindful when you take the pregnancy test.
Take your pregnancy test about two weeks after embryo transfer (10–14 days). These days will give your embryo sufficient time to implant into the uterus and start releasing the hCG hormones (pregnancy hormones).
Your pregnancy test kit will measure the hCG levels in your urine to determine pregnancy. So you can get an almost accurate result of your pregnancy. You can also visit your hospital to take a blood pregnancy test to confirm pregnancy.
Taking a urine pregnancy test at home after two weeks will also help you clear the air regarding the meaning behind your vaginal bleeding.
Identifying IVF Failure Through Ultrasound
Pregnancy tests are almost accurate, but sometimes, they can give you false positive or negative results. To avoid such a scenario, it is always best to visit your fertility clinic and take an ultrasound scan.
This scan can help you find whether your IVF was a success or not and also help diagnose any complications that might require medical assistance.
Chemical Pregnancy
A chemical pregnancy happens when the embryo that has implanted into the uterus dies and stops developing after some time.
You might get a positive pregnancy result due to the hCG hormones that were released when the embryo implanted, but you won’t know that your IVF failed unless you take an ultrasound scan.
Missed Miscarriage
A missed miscarriage, as the name implies, occurs when your body misses to recognize a miscarriage. It is also called silent miscarriage or missed abortion.
Just like what happens during your menstrual cycle, your body will expel the endometrial tissue along with the dead embryo if you have an abortion. This won’t happen in a missed miscarriage and can lead to complications.
An ultrasound can help you identify the issue and take the necessary steps.
Ectopic Pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy is one of the most common pregnancy complications. It can happen in both natural and assisted pregnancies.
An ectopic pregnancy happens when the embryo implants anywhere outside the uterus, most commonly in the fallopian tubes. This is a very serious issue and can lead to fatal complications if not treated immediately.
One drawback with this issue is that you will get a positive result when you take a pregnancy test. You can’t identify this issue unless you take an ultrasound.
So, no matter if your pregnancy test is positive or negative, visit your doctor and take an ultrasound test. This can help you prevent serious complications.
How Common Is Failed Implantation?
It is understandable for you to expect a successful pregnancy when undergoing IVF treatment. But you should know that most couples need to undergo at least two or three IVF cycles to become pregnant without any complications.
According to studies, only around 20% of women successfully get pregnant during their first IVF cycle. This is also only when they have no serious fertility issues.
Another study also shows that your chances of success increase as the number of cycles increases. So, don’t give up hope and try another IVF cycle if you failed in your current one.
What Can You Do To Prevent Failed Implantation?
You might be wondering, “My IVF cycle failed. Is there anything I can do to prevent IVF failure in my next cycle?”
Absolutely yes. There are some things you can do to ensure your next IVF cycle is a success. Let’s discuss them below.
1. Understand why your previous cycle failed
Your previous cycle would have obviously failed for certain reasons. Understanding the reason can help you take the necessary measures and prevent it from repeating in your next cycle.
2. Take rest and recover before your next cycle
IVF is a physically and emotionally draining process. You need to give your mind and body some time to recover from the process before you start the next cycle. This will also help you regain the strength you need to handle the procedures.
3. Follow a healthy lifestyle
Ensure you follow a healthy lifestyle and avoid all unhealthy habits like smoking and alcohol during your IVF treatment. It is best to avoid these habits at least 3 months before starting your IVF cycle.
IVF failure is normal, but it doesn’t mean that it is the end of the road. Understand why your IVF failed and take the necessary precautions to ensure your next cycle is a success.
Also, note that the fertility doctor and hospital you choose for your IVF treatment also influence your IVF success rates. So, ensure you do your research and choose the best fertility hospital for your IVF treatments.
Your embryo needs adequate blood supply to develop in the uterus. If it doesn’t implant, it won’t get the blood supply and will eventually die. The dead embryo will then be expelled from the uterus along with the endometrial tissues during your menstrual cycle.
Some major causes of a failed IVF implantation are
- Hormonal imbalances,
- Chromosomal or genetic abnormalities,
- Uterine or tubal abnormalities, and
- Unhealthy lifestyle factors.
Some studies have found that autoimmune disorders and antibodies in the mother’s blood can reject the embryo, causing implantation failure, recurrent miscarriages, intrauterine fetal demise, and delayed fetal growth.