iui babies vs normal babies

IUI babies vs Normal babies


Are you failing to get pregnant?

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While planning for a pregnancy, many couples adopt different options to conceive, especially those who face a problem with fertility disorder.

Intrauterine Insemination(IUI) is a fertility treatment process that helps couples to conceive by directly inserting the sperm into the woman’s uterus for fertilization.

This is a simple technology method that can be a lifeline for those who want a baby and seek fertility assistance; it often raises questions about the health and development of IUI babies compared to those who get pregnant naturally.

Difference between IUI babies and normal babies

When it comes to comparing babies conceived through IUI treatment and normal conception, there are many factors to consider, including the conception process to successful outcomes.

Let’s look into this in detail:

Factors IUI babies Normal babies
Physical Differences
There is no difference between the IUI treated babies and the normally born babies.
There is no difference between the IUI treated and the normally born babies, both are having the same growth development.
Conception Method
These babies are formed by injecting the sperm directly into the woman’s uterus at the time of ovulation. This process occurs due to the low sperm count, unexplained infertility, and cervical mucus problem. The distance of a sperm is reduced when it is directly inserted through a woman’s vagina. These procedure are also followed for several reasons they are the use of donor sperm, a woman with endometriosis, Semen allergy Ovulation problem
These babies are formed by the natural sexual intercourse process directly where the sperm fertilizes the egg in the woman’s body naturally. Medical interventions are not necessary for normal babies.
Fertility Treatments and Preparations
In the initial stage of the treatment, the couples will undergo the basic test, a history of their past records, and fertilization testing. The fertility tests include, Medical Evaluation, Genetic screening of sperm donor, Ovulation induction, Insemination , Monitoring hormone level, Preparation semen, Examining the ultrasounds. This preparation helps in getting a successful pregnancy and fertilization.
Fertility treatments and preparation are not necessary for the couples. The woman gets pregnant naturally according to her fertility cycle. Both the couples should maintain a balanced diet, proper exercise which helps to get successful fertilization.
Genetic Screening
This screening helps to identify the risk of an individual by developing the particular disorder. When donor sperm is used, the genetic screening helps in avoiding hereditary disorders. This makes the parents feel peaceful about their future child. This process helps in identifying the risk that occurs in the individual genes, and helps to begin the treatment earlier. These tests help for family planning, prenatal care and also understand the inherited health issues. There are three tests in the genetical screening process Single gene testing Panel testing Large scale testing
This screening does not have a specific standard part of natural conception, and the test will be taken through the prenatal testing after the conception stage. This test will be taken to analyze the issues or inherited risk that occurs in the future for the child.
Psychological and Emotional Factors
This treatment makes the parents feel emotional and hopeful when they think that they will get pregnant through the medical support. From the first cycle of treatment parents expect a positive result. They feel more excited and believe that they could get pregnant through the conception stage while they couldn’t get pregnant naturally. They will face many challenges during the treatment journey but they will be rewarded with getting a baby.
The emotional factors are different between the IUI- treated couples and the naturally conceived couples. Some couples will be psychologically affected by expecting the pregnancy at the proper fertility stage and the timing. But some couples will get a quick pregnancy through a natural process that may not affect them more.
Health and Development
Studies have proven that IUI babies have physical, cognitive, emotional milestones and long term health is common as the naturally born babies. In some rare cases babies have a chance of being born premature and low birth weight. Babies’ development growth in walking and talking will be the same as naturally born babies at the same age. The pregnant woman who is taking IUI treatment will have additional checkups and ultrasounds to identify the risk earlier.
These babies will not be followed up by any fertility treatment. These babies are formed through the natural process. These babies’ growth is similar to the IUI treated babies. The naturally pregnant woman will be checked with, Birth weight Growth Immunization Checkups Nutrition balanced checkups
The average cost for the IUI treatment ranges from 10,000 to 50,000. Low level cost: One cycle – 10,000 Medications – 5,000 Additional cost – 5,000 High level cost: One cycle – 20,000 Medications – 15,000 Additional cost – 10,000
The average cost for the normally treated babies is from 20,000 to 50,000. Cost of one month Consulting fee – Rs.500-1,500 Ultrasound – Rs.1,000-3,000 Blood test – Rs.500-5000 The average cost for a single month cost is from Rs.1,000-9,500

Birth outcomes of IUI and Normal babies

Factor IUI Babies Normal Babies
Birth outcomes
The IUI babies are born with low weight compared to normally born babies. These babies will be delivered before completing 37 weeks, and they have a high chance of getting multiple births.
Normally conceived babies typically have a higher birth weight.These babies are usually delivered at full term and are often singleton births.
Congenital Anomalies
It has higher risks than normal-born babies.
It has a lower risk compared to other fertility babies.
Health condition
It has a higher risk of complications compared to normal babies.
It has a lower risk and complications.
It has a high chance of admission.
It has a lower chance of admission.


There is no difference between IUI-treated babies and natural babies. The babies’ growth and development will be the same as their age. This IUI treatment does not affect the method of delivery. Whether you can consider IUI babies or normal babies, you have to choose the best fertility hospital for better results.


 According to the study a woman should take the IUI treatment below  the age of 35.

No, both the partners should have a certain test that should be done to analyze the condition of their body.

There is a possibility of having a 10 to 15% of success rate at the first cycle, and 30 to 60% of results in the third cycle.

No, the IUI did not affect the delivery, the delivery of a woman will happen according to the physical conditions.

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