Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)


Are you failing to get pregnant?

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What is Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)?

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection is an infertility treatment used to treat the male infertility factors. It is the process of injecting a single healthy sperm selected from millions of sperm and injecting it directly into a mature egg in the laboratory.

If the treatment of IVF fails, then ICSI will be tried out which was introduced in the early 1990s as it helps to reach maximum fertility.

How successful is Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection?

The success of Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection depends on various factors such as 

  • If infertility happens to the malefactor, then there is a high possibility of success through the ICSI because the selected sperm is injected.
  • The quality of eggs is also a crucial factor for successful fertilization as the eggs get mature once the sperm is injected.
  • Try to choose the best fertility Hospital near your area. Because the experience of the clinic denoted the success of ICSI based on the technology, and equipment used for the treatment.
  • The successful ICSI treatment depends on the couple’s reproductive system and the fertility treatment taken previously.
  • Proper hormonal balance, a healthy uterus, and various health conditions are also involved in successful ICSI treatment.

Who needs ICSI?

ICSI treatment is necessary for people who are trying to conceive but various factors may affect their fertility.

  • If the traditional IVF treatment is failed because of not having a good quality of sperm, then ICSI is needed for the couple.
  • If the female’s egg is older than 35 years, the speed of the egg gets lower when compared to the younger women’s egg.
  • Couples who get continuous failure in the previous fertility and trying to get a successful pregnancy. 
  • Males with lower sperm count are caused due to various genetic factors, hormonal imbalance, intake of chemicals, or consumption of drugs. 
  • If the sperm does not swim properly to reach the matured egg, then the motility rate decreases because of the infection caused by the reproductive system.
  • The shape of the sperm also affects fertility where the normal shape of the sperm only attaches to the mature egg.

What happens before ICSI?

Before injecting the sperm into the matured eggs, here are two steps involved

Ovulation induction

Generally, ovaries produce eggs during the time of menstrual cycle. In ICSI treatment a healthy sperm is injected into the matured eggs, and the eggs are collected from the ovaries. Not every egg is healthier.

To produce more eggs, medication such as Gonadotropins, hCG, and Clomiphene Citrate is given to the woman who is going to get pregnant to induce the ovary to produce more eggs. It helps to choose the matured egg among the produced eggs.

Egg retrieval

Once the ovarian stimulation is done, the next process is to collect the eggs produced. Both sedation and anaesthesia are used to avoid discomfort or pain during the egg collection. It is performed through an ultrasound probe which is injected into the vaginal wall and enters the follicle.

The eggs presented in the follicle are collected into the test tubes to select the matured eggs through the laboratory test.

What happens during Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection?

The male sperm is collected for the semen sample and is tested in the laboratory to check the mobility, shape, and quality of the sperm. Various factors such as volume, and pH level are collected and tested in the laboratory to select the healthier sperm.

With the help of egg retrieval, the eggs are collected and then it is tested under the microscope to check the quality by using Micromanipulation treatment.

Both, the tested eggs in the matured stage, and the healthier sperm are joined together using a thin glass needle.

Once the needle is injected into the egg, the needle is removed and allows the egg to develop an embryo.

What happens after ICSI?

Each healthier sperm is injected into the matured eggs to observe which is good for embryo development. The embryologist will be monitoring the growth of the embryo as it is growing faster and healthier.

The cultivation of the embryo takes place in the laboratory and the process is known as the embryo transfer. A well-developed embryo gets inserted into the female uterus for fertilization and this process is known as embryo transfer.

Once the embryo is transferred and reaches the uterus, there is a higher chance of getting pregnant within 14 days of the process. This 14 days helps the embryo to develop into the uterus lining and after the completion of 14 days, it is necessary to take the pregnancy test to know the positive results.

What are the risks of ICSI?

ICSI treatment gives a happy life to many couples but on the other side, it might cause various risks which cause great damage to their lives.

During the time of injection, there is a chance of breaking eggs because of not handling the needle properly or placing high pressure on the egg to while transferring the sperm.

Medications given at the time of treatment to stimulate the ovaries may cause pain and enlarge the size of the uterus which affects fertilization.

Transferring multiple embryos to the uterus may have a high chance of producing twins or triplets which is associated with risk.

There is a chance of getting a child affected by Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome as it causes cancer in the future.

In the future, the ICSI babies have the chance of having low fertility levels and there are abnormalities in their behaviour and activities.

What is the ICSI treatment success rate?

The common success rate of ICSI ranges from 75% – 85%. However, the success rate depends on the age factors. Here is a table below that helps to have a clear clarification.

AGE 1st CYCLE (%) 2nd CYCLE (%) 3rd CYCLE (%)
Below 35
85 – 90
35 -37
80 – 85
38 – 40
55 – 60
65 – 70
41 – 42
Above 42
10 – 15
20 – 25
30 – 35


ICSI is a type of ART technique that is treated for males who have lower fertility levels. The IVF treatment fails to some extent because of merging more sperms at the same time.

However, the ICSI treatment will produce 75% – 80 % of positive results which is worth in the ART technique.


ICSI known as Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection is the process of injecting a healthy sperm through a needle into a matured egg in the laboratory under the control of an embryologist. This process is done only if the couple faces an infertility problem and it focuses on male infertility.

Yes, ICSI is safe for babies as compared to normal babies. However, the research says that there may be a chance of getting affected by various factors such as Hormonal imbalance, low birth weight, premature birth, increase in disorder.

Yes, it is possible to have a normal delivery after the ICSI treatment. The mode of delivery depends on the mother’s health and the position of the child.

Yes, You can get pregnant after the ICSI treatment because a healthy sperm is injected into the matured egg which produces a higher chance for the development of the embryo.

No, ICSI does not increase the chances of producing twins, triplets, or more. But when more than one embryo is transferred into the uterus, there is a chance of producing twins or triplets.

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