How Many Injections Per Day For IVF

How Many Injections Per Day For IVF


Are you failing to get pregnant?

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IVF is an advanced fertility treatment that requires you to undergo five complex procedures to become pregnant. The five procedures are as follows:

  • Ovulation induction,
  • Egg & sperm retrieval,
  • Fertilization,
  • Embryo culture, &
  • Embryo transfer.

The first step, ovulation induction, is where you will be administered hormonal injections to stimulate your ovaries to produce more eggs.

Most women have doubts regarding this procedure as they will have to take injections for several days in a row. So, in this article, we’ll look deeper into the procedure and understand it clearly.

How Many Injections Are Required For IVF?

The number of injections you will be required to take depends on your fertility condition and how your body responds to the medication. On average, you will be required to take around 80–90 injections (shots) for a period of 8–14 days.

Your doctor will monitor your egg’s development regularly and schedule egg retrieval when the egg has matured and is about to be released.

The IVF injections are not very painful and can be taken either subcutaneously (injected into the fat under the skin) or intramuscularly (injected into the muscle).

Your doctor will assess your fertility and body condition and determine the number of shots and number of days for your ovulation induction procedure.

How Many Injections Per Day For IVF?

Based on how your body reacts to the injections, your doctor will prescribe taking 1 or 2 injections daily. This goes on till your eggs have developed well and you are ready for egg retrieval.

What Are The IVF Injections Used For Ovary Stimulation?

During an ovulation induction procedure, you will be administered different types of hormones during different periods. Each hormone plays an important role in the development and maturation of the eggs.

Below are the major hormones you will be administered during the procedure.


Gonadotropins are the hormones that induce ovulation every month. This hormone promotes follicle development and growth of the eggs. This is one of the most common hormones administered during IVF treatment.


Oestrogen promotes the development of the endometrium and makes it thick enough for the embryo to safely implant in the uterus. This is especially administered when women opt for frozen or donor egg transfers.


Progesterone promotes endometrial receptivity and makes it a viable environment for embryo implantation.

What To Expect From IVF Injections?

Before you undergo IVF and start taking hormonal injections, you must first understand why these injections are administered.

Each month, your ovaries will allot around 10–12 eggs to develop and mature. The egg follicle that matures first gets released and reaches the fallopian tube. The rest of the egg follicles are reabsorbed by the ovaries.

With a hormonal injection, your fertility doctor will try to make all the egg follicles develop and release mature eggs. This lets them collect more eggs during egg retrieval.

So, you don’t need to worry if egg retrieval will deplete your ovarian reserve. The doctors are only collecting the eggs that were already allotted for the month.

Are IVF Injections Painful?

There is no definite answer to this question. IVF injections are very thin and will only feel like a little pinch when you administer them. However, the pain one might feel depends on one’s resistance level.

So, if you have low resistance to pain, you can go for cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) sessions. You can also try pinching the area before the injection. This will numb the pain to a certain level.

How Are The IVF Injections Scheduled?

The dosage and duration of IVF injections differ for each woman based on their treatment plan and their fertility condition. The first injection is usually administered on the second or third day of menstruation.

The rest of the injections will be administered based on the development of the egg follicles. Your fertility doctor will be routinely monitoring its development and preparing for egg retrieval when the egg is just about to mature.

What Are The Side Effects Of IVF Injections?

As you already know, IVF injections are hormonal injections. They cause hormonal changes in the body. These changes can cause some mild side effects in your body.

Some common side effects are

  • Headache,
  • Fatigue and tiredness,
  • Mood swings,
  • Breast tenderness,
  • Changes in cervical mucus,
  • Pelvic & abdominal pain, etc.

One major complication that may arise due to IVF injections is Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS), where your ovary overreacts to the hormonal injections and becomes swollen and painful. This is a serious condition and should be treated immediately.


IVF can seem like a complicated and painful procedure. However, as long as you listen to your doctor’s advice and follow all the precautions, you can overcome your infertility, pcos and have your baby in the shortest time possible.

If you have any doubts regarding the procedure, contact our fertility hospital and clear all your concerns. Don’t do anything on your own. Our fertility experts are there to support you all along the way.


The number of injections you will be required to take depends on your fertility condition and how your body responds to the medication. On average, you will be required to take around 80–90 injections (shots) for a period of 8–14 days.

Though rare, there are some women who get naturally pregnant when they have sexual intercourse during or after ovulation stimulation. These women usually have minor infertility issues and only need a little help to get pregnant.

Your fertility doctor will routinely monitor your egg’s development during ovulation stimulation. When the eggs are around 15–22 mm in diameter, they will be retrieved from the ovaries through the egg retrieval procedure.

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