Fresh Vs. Frozen Embryo Transfer

Fresh Vs. Frozen Embryo Transfer


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As you already know, embryo transfer is the last of the five-step IVF process. This is the stage where the developed embryo(s) will be transferred into the uterus to implant and result in a successful pregnancy. 

There are two types of embryo transfer methods that can be followed to transfer embryos into your uterus: fresh embryo transfer and frozen embryo transfer. Both of them are effective and can help you get pregnant. 

However, there are certain differences between the two procedures that give one method a slight edge over the other. In this article, we will discuss thoroughly both methods of embryo transfers, along with their advantages and disadvantages. 

The Difference Between Fresh And Frozen Embryo Transfers

IVF is a five-step procedure, of which embryo transfer is the last. When IVF was first introduced, there was only one method of embryo transfer: fresh embryo transfer. 

However, as technology developed, a new method, frozen embryo transfer, came into play. These two types of embryo transfers have both similarities and differences. 

For both methods, the embryo transfer procedure and the instruments used are the same. The only difference being the embryo used during the procedure.

Fresh embryo transfer

A fresh embryo transfer involves transferring fresh embryos into the uterus. This method is preferred for couples who wish to undergo IVF procedures immediately. 

After egg retrieval, the eggs will be fertilized and monitored for development. Fresh embryo transfer will be performed in either 3 days (cleavage stage) or 5 days (blastocyst stage) after fertilization.

Frozen embryo transfer

Unlike fresh embryo transfer, a frozen embryo transfer involves freezing the embryos and storing them for future purposes. Here, either the fertilized egg (embryo) is frozen, or the egg and sperm are frozen, then taken out to fertilize when required. 

A frozen embryo transfer is a good option for couples or individuals who want to delay their pregnancy. It is also beneficial for couples who experience IVF failures as they don’t have to undergo the procedure from the beginning. They can just get to embryo transfer. 

Success Rate For Fresh And Frozen Embryo Transfers

Both fresh and frozen embryo transfer is a good option for couples with infertility issues, and both have a considerably higher success rate than other fertility treatments. 

However, the success rate of frozen embryo transfer is a bit higher (about 15%) than fresh embryo transfer. Its main advantage is that the embryos don’t need to be transferred soon after fertilization. 

As a fresh embryo is transferred days after formation, there is no way to guarantee its quality and no assurance that it will implant and develop into a baby. 

However, with a frozen embryo, the doctor has time to assess its quality and determine which one has the highest chance of success. This gives frozen embryo transfers an edge over fresh embryo transfers. 

Advantages Of Fresh Vs. Frozen Embryo Transfer

Advantages Of Fresh Embryo Transfer Advantages of Frozen Embryo Transfer
Shorter overall treatment period
Improved uterine lining for implantation
Reduced overall medication cost
More control over the timing
Reduced risk of OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome)
Higher success rate than fresh embryo transfer

Disadvantages Of Fresh Vs. Frozen Embryo Transfer

Fresh Embryo Transfer Frozen Embryo Transfer
Hormonal fluctuations due to ovarian stimulation
Additional overall cost for freezing and thawing eggs, sperm, or embryos.
Increased risk of OHSS
Less control over the timing of pregnancy
Lower success rate than frozen embryo transfer


Both fresh and frozen embryo transfers are effective ways to get pregnant through IVF. The method chosen will depend on your personal preference and your health condition. 

If you want to understand more about this procedure and select one between the two, it is best to visit a fertility hospital and discuss it with your doctor. They can assess your condition and suggest which method will work best for you. 


After embryo transfer, it will take around two weeks for you to realize your pregnancy. You can then take a urine pregnancy test at home and confirm whether you are pregnant.

For an average woman under 35 with minor infertility issues, her success rate in the first embryo transfer will be around 25–35%. The success rate will increase as the number of IVF cycles increases.

Based on your condition and embryo quality, your fertility doctor will decide how many embryos to transfer during the procedure. Based on the number of embryos transferred, the process can be classified into

  • SET/eSET (Single Embryo Transfer / Elective Single Embryo Transfer), and
  • Multiple Embryo Transfer
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