egg rupture but not conceived why

Egg rupture but not conceived why?


Are you failing to get pregnant?

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Women may raise a doubt that “I have a proper egg rupture process but the conception was not attained why?”. 

Egg rupture is also known as ovulation, where every month the egg will be produced. The mature eggs will be formed in the ovaries within the sac known as the follicle. The egg will break out from the ovaries and the follicle will open once the egg gets mature.

The eggs from the fallopian tube will travel towards the uterus. If the egg and the sperm meet in the fallopian tube then fertilisation occurs and it leads to pregnancy.

In the given blog you can have a clear clarification for all your doubts.

Reasons for Egg Rupture but No Conception

The reason behind the egg rupture but no conception is that the egg and sperm will not meet in the fallopian tube for fertilisation.

There are several factors that cause the egg ruptures without being fertilised.

Timing Issues

Time for ovulation: Generally ovulation is done between day 11 and day 21 which means in the middle of the menstrual cycle, by counting the last day of the previous period. When the timing is too early or slow then the egg will not meet the sperm for fertilisation, so this causes infertility.

Sperm reaching time: After the proper ejaculation of sperm, it lives in the woman’s body for 5 days. So when the ovulation occurs before or after the time of sperm arrival, they can’t meet each other for fertilisation.

Fertilisation period: After the ovulation process, the egg will remain for 12 to 24 hours for fertilisation through the fallopian tube, if the sperm and egg do not meet at this particular time then the fertilisation will not happen.

Changes in the cycle: Having changes in the menstrual cycle will make changes in the period of ovulation. This is due to the stress, and hormone changes in the body. So this is hard to identify the proper conception timing.

Average age Percentage
Under 20 years
5.3 days
35 to 39
3.8 days
Above 40
4 to 11 days

Sperm Quality

The quality level of the sperm decides the proper fertilisation process. The sperm released in a single ejaculation is at least 15 million per millimetre. There should be 11 million moving sperm present in the vagina. The average measure of sperm is 0.5 mm and that should swim 152 mm from the cervix to the egg. The fluid that carries the sperm should protect it throughout the journey until it meets the egg.

The first ejaculation sperm has a good quality for the fertilisation. The sperm should possess normal DNA and chromosomal content for healthy fertilisation.

These are the qualities that a sperm should have for proper and healthier fertilisation. If a male sperm is in good quality and even if the female egg ruptures then the fertilisation will not occur.

Fallopian Tube Issues

A fallopian tube connects the ovaries and uterus. It is a main reproductive organ where the egg starts moving from the ovary towards the fallopian tube and the sperm enters from the vagina through the uterus to the fallopian tube to meet each other to get fertilised.

30% of women face an infertility problem because of the blocked or damaged fallopian tube that does not allow the eggs to meet the sperm.

There are several reasons for damaged fallopian tubes.

PID(Pelvic Inflammatory Disease): It is an infection that occurs in the uterus, fallopian tubes or ovaries. Sexually transmitted infections are the cause for this disease. PID develops and spreads certain types of bacteria from the vagina to reproductive organs. So the fallopian tube may get damaged.

Endometriosis: It is a tissue that grows in the lining of the uterus but starts growing outside the uterus anywhere, this may lead to the damage of the fallopian tube.

Surgeries: Any abdominal surgeries may cause damage to the fallopian tube.

Egg Quality

The quality of the egg plays a major role in fertilisation. Proper egg growth and quality should be necessary for fertility. The quality of the egg refers to the normal (euploid) or abnormal (aneuploid).

Normal eggs consist of 23 chromosomes and abnormal eggs consist of 23 chromosomes where in total it has 46 chromosomes. The good quality of eggs is normally 23 but the abnormal ones have more or less than 23.

Size of the Egg

Type Size
18 to 20 mm
22 to 24mm

Age and Egg Quality

Age Percentage

When the woman’s ovary gets aged then they will have a high chance of producing aneuploid which is not of good quality and will not develop healthy embryos. The shrunk eggs were produced by the ovaries which leads to miscarriages. 

Factors that destroy the egg quality

  • Age
  • Pelvic radiations
  • Reproductive illness
  • Surgery in ovary
  • Consuming alcohol and tobacco

Factors that increase the egg quality

  • Away from drugs
  • Stress-free life
  • Healthy diet
  • Proper BMI (Body Mass Index)
  • Regular blood flow
  • Freeze eggs

If the eggs are not in good quality fertilization doesn’t occur even after the egg ruptures. So maintaining a proper & improved quality of eggs helps for healthy fertilization.

Uterine Issues

Uterine issues are also a cause of infertility where women cannot get pregnant. 3% of women get this problem.

There are two different types.

  • Congenital: If you are affected by congenital uterine factors, you may have this by your birth, you may not have a functioning uterus from your fetal development.
  • Acquired: This factor may occur during your life, any type of problem may occur in your uterus for infertility.

Some of the common uterine problems that also cause pain in the body are Fibroids, Endometriosis, Tuberculosis, and Prolapse.

Hormonal Imbalances

Some hormonal imbalances will cause infertility. This does not allow the eggs from the ovaries to meet the sperm in the fallopian tube. This may occur for both males and females.

To overcome the hormonal imbalances you may go with the medications provided by your doctor to cure the hormonal imbalances.

Several reasons for hormone imbalance are.

Female Male
Irregular periods
Erectile dysfunction
Heavy and painful periods
Low sperm count
Excess hair growth in the body and face
Decrease of body hair growth
Unbalanced weight gain
Breast tenderness
Hair loss

Treatments for common fertility issues

Several treatments occur for both males and females.

Male Female
IVF (In vitro fertilisation)
Antibiotics treatments
IUI (Intrauterine Insemination)
Medications supplements
ART(Assisted reproductive technology)
Hormonal treatments
GIFT (Gamete intrafallopian transfer)


Surgery: To cure issues that block sperm delivery for fertilization.

Antibiotics treatments: This treatment helps to increase sperm quality.

Medications supplements: You can start your medications by consulting the best doctor who will guide you for proper and healthy fertilization.

Hormonal Treatments: The FSH and LH hormones help to increase the production of sperm.


IVF (In vitro fertilisation):  It is an advanced technical process for infertility where eggs are collected from the female and sperm are collected from the male for embryo transfer.

IUI (Intrauterine Insemination): It is a fertility treatment process that helps couples to conceive by directly inserting the sperm into the woman’s uterus for fertilisation.

ART(Assisted reproductive technology): It is a fertility treatment where the eggs are removed from the female body and combined with the sperm in the laboratory and fixed back to the female body.

GIFT (Gamete intrafallopian transfer): It is a process where the eggs and the sperm are kept in a thin tube called a catheter and then will be inserted into the fallopian tube through laparoscopy. 

Medications: You can start your medications by consulting the best doctor who will guide you for proper and healthy fertilisation.

Surgery: Laparoscopy will be used to insert the embryos inside the fallopian tube if it has any damage in it.

Getting proper guidance from the best fertility hospital to cure infertility after egg rupture for both males and females.


The other name of ovulation is known as Egg rupture. Women with egg rupture have an immediate chance of getting pregnant easily, but in some cases, women with normal egg rupture have no conception. This happens due to the lack of meeting of eggs and sperms in the fallopian tube at the time of ovulation.

To know the proper ovulation period you must consult the best doctor to get pregnant with healthy fertilisation.


Yes, stress can impact a failure to conceive. This may happen due to medical treatments, but it also affects the regular menstrual cycle and overall health.

It takes a year to get pregnant naturally without getting help from others.

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