7 Days After Embryo Transfer Symptoms

7 Days After Embryo Transfer Symptoms


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IVF is a huge decision a person takes in their life. After completing the embryo transfer procedure, it is normal for you to feel anxious about the result and wish to know it as soon as possible.

In most cases, doctors usually recommend couples wait for about 2 weeks (10 to 14 days) before taking a pregnancy test to confirm pregnancy. But some might want to know their result as early as 7 days.

But is it possible to get a pregnancy result after 7 days of embryo transfer? In this article, we’ll discuss the possibilities of knowing your pregnancy within 7 days and some of the symptoms you may start experiencing after 7 days of embryo transfer.

What happens 7 days after embryo transfer?

Your embryos will usually be transferred into your uterus during the 3rd day (cleavage stage) or on the 5th day (blastocyst stage) of fertilization. After transfer, the embryo needs some time to implant in the uterus and for the body to release pregnancy hormones (hCG).

During day 7 of embryo transfer, the embryo would have been implanted and start releasing hCG hormones into the bloodstream.

Pregnancy Symptoms 7 Days After Embryo Transfer

Though the chances are low, some women might start experiencing pregnancy symptoms as early as the 7th day. Below are some symptoms you might experience on the 7th day of embryo transfer.

Lower Back Pain

It is common for women undergoing IVF to experience lower back pain after the procedure. Though this is not a clear sign of pregnancy, you might experience some lower back pain when the embryo implants in the uterine lining.


You might witness slight spotting or bleeding after around a week of embryo transfer. You need not fear if this is a symptom of IVF failure. It is normal to experience some spotting or bleeding, and it might even be a positive sign of pregnancy.

It is called implantation bleeding, which happens when the embryo burrows into the uterus. This means a successful implantation and is often considered a positive sign of pregnancy.

Tender breasts

Sore and tender breasts are common pregnancy symptoms for both natural and IVF pregnancies. If you have tender and swollen breasts, it is most likely a positive sign of pregnancy.

However, the hormonal medication you take can also cause tender breasts. So, it is not a definite sign of pregnancy.


Fatigue and tiredness are also common symptoms for both IVF and natural pregnancies. The hormonal changes and the changes your body undergoes during pregnancy can make you more tired than normal.


Bloating is mostly attributed to the increase in progesterone levels during pregnancy. This is another common symptom of pregnancy. However, the hormonal medications can also cause bloating. So it is not a definite sign of pregnancy.

Increased urination

It is natural for you to have an increased urge to urinate during pregnancy. This is mostly due to the hCG and progesterone hormones released during pregnancy.

Weight fluctuation

Be it a natural or IVF pregnancy, slight weight fluctuation is inevitable if you wish to have a baby. This is absolutely normal, and you don’t need to worry as you can reduce your weight after childbirth.

No symptoms 7 days after the Embryo transfer

There is no need to worry if you have no symptoms 7 days after embryo transfer. As discussed above, doctors usually recommend waiting at least 2 weeks before you take a pregnancy test. This is to give the embryo time to implant in the uterine lining and start producing the hCG hormones in the blood.

So, if you don’t experience any symptoms 7 or 13 days after embryo transfer, don’t panic. Wait for another week and take a pregnancy test again. It will be even better to visit fertility hospital near your loation and take a blood test to confirm your pregnancy and get accurate results.

Right Time to Have Sex is Before or After embryo transfer

Studies Shows that it is good to have sex one week after embryo transfer, when it comes to sex before embryo transfer it has pros & cons equally in it.


IVF pregnancy can be physically and emotionally draining. Don’t panic if you don’t get symptoms a week after embryo transfer. Give your body some time and test it after 2 weeks.


Most women start experiencing their pregnancy symptoms around 2 weeks after embryo transfer. But it is also possible for women to experience no symptoms and still be pregnant. It might be because their body is taking some time to realize the pregnancy and produce the pregnancy hormones.

No, stress doesn’t actually impact IVF results, but it can affect your hormonal balance and emotional well-being. So, stay calm and believe that you will get a positive result.

If you have had a successful IVF cycle without any complications, your pregnancy symptoms should start around 2 weeks after embryo transfer. Every woman experiences pregnancy differently. So don’t panic if you experience no symptoms, and try testing again after one or two weeks.

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